TOP > インフォメーション > GPEC御礼 お立ち寄り頂きありがとうございました / GPEC: Appreciation on your visit to the JPFA booth
GPEC御礼 お立ち寄り頂きありがとうございました / GPEC: Appreciation on your visit to the JPFA booth

7/24~26に開催された施設園芸・植物工場展 (GPEC)では、多くの会員の皆様に当会ブースへお立ち寄り頂き感謝申し上げます。
当会とMOUを締結しているオランダの施設園芸・植物工場専門メディアVertical Farm Daily(VFD)社の記者も来日し、GPEC会場のみならず、当会(柏の葉キャンパス)ならびに会員施設などを訪問しました。

– Japan: GPEC Tokyo showcasing highly sought-after low-tech and small-scale solutions


We would appreciate the many members who visited our booth at the GPEC held on 24-26, July 2024. A writer of the Vertical Farm Daily, a Dutch media specializing in PFALs and horticulture, which has an MOU with the JPFA, also came to Japan and visited not only the GPEC but also the JPFA at Kashiwanoha campus and some member facilities.

Please click here to see the photos. For the article, please refer to the following link.
Japan: GPEC Tokyo showcasing highly sought-after low-tech and small-scale solutions