植物工場研究会、Vertical Farm Dailyと連携
植物工場研究会は、オランダのVertical Farm Daily (VFD) と情報共有の強化、相互の顧客基盤の拡大を目的とした連携に合意したことをお知らせいたします。
この連携では、VFDが配信するニュースレターである「Vertical Farm Daily」と「HortiDaily」の中から、当会が記事を選びリンクを張り、基本的に毎週1回まとめて会員の皆様にお届けします。
当会副理事長林絵理は、「私たちは、Vertical Farm Daily (VFD) との連携をありがたく思っています。当会会員ならびに今後さらに楽しみなこの業界が、知識を共有し世界的にさらに協力を深める素晴らしいきっかけになると確信しています」と述べています。
VFD編集者のRebekka Boekhout氏は、「このパートナーシップに向かってきたことを本当に嬉しく思い、この先この連携がうまく進んでいくものと、とてもわくわくしています」と述べています。
■ 植物工場研究会
植物工場研究会ウェブサイト: https://npoplantfactory.org/
■ Vertical Farm Daily
Vertical Farm Daily(VFD)は、世界の屋内農業、植物工場業界に焦点を当てた大手ニュースプラットフォームです。VFDは、毎日ニュースレターを配信しウェブサイトでニュースを発信しています。扱うニュースは、独自内容の自社作成記事、市場情報、報道発表(プレスリリース)、生産者情勢、フォトレポートです。
Vertical Farm Daily ウェブサイト: https://www.verticalfarmdaily.com/
JPFA Teams Up with Vertical Farm Daily
The Japan Plant Factory Association is pleased to announce that it has struck a collaboration deal with Vertical Farm Daily of the Netherlands to enhance information sharing and expand each other’s client base.
VFD will allow the JPFA to select stories from the Vertical Farm Daily Newsletter and the HortiDaily Newsletter and distribute them to its members with links to the original sites, basically on a weekly basis.
The JPFA will provide VFD with a story at least once a month on activities of plant factories it oversees and their operator companies as well as itself for the release by VFD on its site.
The JPFA and VFD will also cooperate on banner ads on the VFD site or the VFD Newsletter.
JPFA Vice President Eri Hayashi said: “We are grateful for this collaboration with Vertical Farm Daily. We believe this is a great opportunity for JPFA members and this exciting industry as well to encourage knowledge sharing and further advancement in global collaboration in plant factory business and research.”
“We’re really glad to pursue this partnership, and we’re really excited to see this collaboration worked out in the future,” said Rebekka Boekhout, VFD editor.
■ About the JPFA
The Japan Plant Factory Association, a nonprofit organization with about 230 members in Japan and abroad and a Japanese- and English-language email list of about 4,000 in total, is devoted to advancing the plant factory industry and controlled-environment agriculture in and outside Japan through academia-industry collaborations. The JPFA oversees plant factories on the Chiba University Kashiwanoha campus in Kashiwa, northeast of Tokyo. Also, it works on about 20 R&D projects and runs workshops and training courses. For more information, visit https://npoplantfactory.org/en/.
■ About Vertical Farm Daily
Vertical Farm Daily (VFD) is a leading news platform focusing on the global indoor and vertical farming industry. The company has a daily newsletter sent out and publishes news articles on its website. The news articles consist of self-written articles with original content, market information, press releases, growers stories and photo reports. For more information, visit https://www.verticalfarmdaily.com/.