植物工場研究会は、オランダのイベント運営企業RAI Amsterdam GreenTechと技術主導型園芸における協力を目的とした覚書を締結しました。
「多くの国々が人手不足に遭遇する中で、自動化やロボット工学で確固たる地位を築いておいる日本は園芸分野で軸となっている」と話すのはRAI Amsterdamでdirector horticultureを務めるMariska Dreschler氏です。
◆Globalization of horticultural technology & innovative indoor plant production systems
The Japan Plant Factory Association has signed a memorandum of understanding with RAI Amsterdam GreenTech to cooperate in technology-driven horticulture.
Under the memorandum signed on Feb. 16, the Japanese nonprofit organization and the event organizer of the Netherlands will engage in cooperative activities such as organizing joint events and exchanging information and news.
As their first such activity, the JPFA and RAI will jointly organize a webinar together with the Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo from 16:00 on March 23 (JST).
The two sides will pursue “mutually beneficial activities aimed at the promotion and dissemination of commercial and societal interest of both parties,” the memorandum says.
JPFA Vice President Eri Hayashi says that the memorandum is aimed at “stimulating overseas operations and international collaborations by JPFA members, distribution of information about members and information sharing on an international scale.”
“Japan’s very strong position in automation and robotics makes it an important player in the horticulture sector as so many countries face labor shortages,” says Mariska Dreschler, who serves as director horticulture at RAI.
Dreschler says that together with the JPFA, “we stimulate new business opportunities and commercial partnerships involving Japanese companies and innovators in the industry of food and flower production.”
◆Webinar: Globalization of horticultural technology & innovative indoor plant production systems
Check here for details. We hope you will take part.