We are delighted to share the news that JPFA online introductory training course in English will be organized again, October 8 to November 2, 2020.
This year, the course is going online due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak since the safety of our attendees is always JPFA’s highest priority.
In this course, in addition to first-time attendees, alumni of 2018 & 2019 courses and exhibitors (sponsorship) are welcomed to join as well.
For more details, please refer to Information of JPFA Online Training 2020
▶How to apply
①First-time attendees of training 2020:Please click here.
②2018 & 2019 alumni:Please visit the URL described in the email sent to all the alumni.
③Exhibitors:Please click here.
If you cannot access above registration websites, please fill in the Application form (Excel) and send it to training@npoplantfactory.org
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to seeing you online soon!
2020年度JPFA国際研修 “JPFA online introductory training course” (英語) についてご案内申し上げます。
参加方法は①新規研修生として ②過去の国際研修参加者として ③出展者として の3通りがございます。
詳細についてはInformation of JPFA Online Training 2020をご参照ください。
申込サイトからのお申込みが難しい場合には、こちらのApplication form (Excel)にご記入頂き、training@npoplantfactory.org までご送付ください。
―Contact Information―
Japan Plant Factory Association (JPFA)
International Relations & Consulting
N.Hiramatsu / E. Hayashi
Email: training@npoplantfactory.org